Mujeres de las étnias Emberá Chamí y Dobida

#NothingJustifies Violence Against Indigenous Women

With the images and voices of women from the Emberá Chamí, Dobida and Katío peoples in the Chocó province in Colombia, Akubadaura launches a campaign to prevent violence against indigenous women. The campaign messages were created by the women of these communities themselves. Using the slogan: “To safeguard indigenous women is to safeguard the territory”, […]

Statement on cases of sexual violence against indigenous women

Bogotá C.D. Colombia, July 3, 2020. Cases of sexual violence against girls and women, where perpetrators of the crime are members of the Colombian Armed Forces, have been growing. According to the Conflict Observatory, “between 2006-2016 a higher number of cases associated with the military was registered, with 90 acts of sexual violence”, and between […]


Pandemic impact on Indigenous Peoples of Colombia is disclosed to the UN Special Rapporteur

Bogotá DC, Colombia –  Lima, Peru,  June 25, 2020. Within the call for   contributions to the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the United Nations for the report on the impact of the pandemic on indigenous peoples to be presented to the UN General Assembly next October, the Colombian National Indigenous […]

Humanitarian aid for the Nukak

Colombia: Indigenous Peoples at risk from the spread of the pandemic and lack of guarantees for survival

The current health emergency due to the spread of the Coronavirus Disease for indigenous peoples in Colombia shows all the neglect that affects vulnerable populations. A bulletin of the Territorial Monitoring System – SMT – of the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia -ONIC-, published on May 11, illustrates how in Colombia there are 321,611 indigenous […]