Lima hosted a workshop on global energy transition and challenges for Latin America

This article was originally published by the Platform for Sustainable Reactivation – PLARS in Peru and Colombia. HERE its original content in Spanish.

From October 25 to 27, the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), with the support of Law, Environment and Natural Resources (DAR), convened various leading civil society institutions working on issues of natural resource governance, transition energy and environmental justice, to the workshop Global energy transition: governance challenges for Latin America. The workshop is given within the framework of the Platform for Sustainable Reactivation (PLARS) in Peru and Colombia.

The objective of the workshop was to present updated information on the global energy transition and jointly discuss the strategic perspectives for Latin America in the new context of decarbonization, analyze the main governance challenges, evaluate the possibilities for joint action by civil society in Latin America America and determine the relevance of creating a training course for members of civil society in the region.

Based on this exchange of knowledge, the workshop aimed to collectively build and analyze strategic questions for the region in the face of the new scenario of global decarbonization. This includes the identification of domestic energy transition opportunities, assessment of its potential impacts for the region, economic diversification in regions dependent on strategic fossil fuels or minerals, analysis of government responses, and strategic opportunities for civil society work in the region.

Once the training days have concluded, better coordination is expected between the different civil society efforts on this issue in order to strengthen the prospects for joint actions and determine the needs for capacity building of social actors in the region.

During the days of the workshop, specialists, technicians and professionals from NRGI, PWYP, the Citizen Proposal Group, ORAU, Global Gas & Oil Network (GGON), Terram, Akubadaura*, University of Guanajuato, Cooperacción, Oxfam, SEI participated with their dissertations. , DAR, Boston University, Transforma, Fundar, RLIE, among others.


*Marcela Tobón Yagarí’s (Colombia) Director at Akubadaura Community of Lawyers participated in the dialogues talking about the ethnic approach to the energy transition in Colombia, about the challenges and difficulties.