The Voices of the Indigenous Peoples of Guaviare- First season

Capítulo: Historia de poblamiento del departamento del Guaviare Objetivo general: Abordar la historia de poblamiento geográfico, cultural, histórico, social, económico del departamento del Guaviare que involucre la visión de datos de análisis de expertos académicos, de la visión indígena y campesina en el departamento del Guaviare. Origen y poblamiento del Guaviare Abordar el origen de poblamiento geográfico, […]


Craft: fabrics of life Crafts are the expression of indigenous people’s work and cultural heritage, their customs, the use they give to things, therefore they surpass the object as a decorative element since they build their culture in the daily routine of hunting, sowing and rituals. Nukak: The way they communicate with the jungle manifests […]


The Akubadaura Community of Jurists builds scenarios for joint action and exchange of knowledge between ethnic organizations (indigenous and Afro), and their communicators; establishes dialogues with local, regional, national and international media, and promotes meetings with organizations and sectors of Colombian society for the common good. In 2022, the Akubadaura Community of Jurists held a […]