Sustainable Development Goals: an indigenous people’s view

The Akubadaura Community of Lawyers launches the analysis booklet of Sustainable Development Goals: “Vision of indigenous peoples regarding the 2030 Agenda”. Women and men from different indigenous peoples worked on the analysis of the points of the Sustainable Development Goals in relation to the 2030 Agenda. The booklet constitutes an analysis and contribution to the […]

Workshop with the Nukak People

Colombia: A Multiethnic and Multicultural Nation that Ignores the Ethnic Approach

The continuous assassination of indigenous, peasant and Afro leaders; the precarious situation for the compliance of their fundamental rights, the negligible fulfillment of agreements by different governments are the expression of a Government and a society that refuses to accept its multi-ethnic and multicultural condition. By the end of June, four years would have passed […]

Budget recommendations for indigenous peoples in times of emergency

This document includes a series of dialogues, recommendations and proposals made by  Akubadaura, seeking to strengthening the capacity of indigenous authorities to face the onslaught of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. The document focuses, specifically, on the provisions related to the adequate and sufficient allocation of public resources, so that indigenous peoples can count on […]

National Forum: Recognizing diverse voices

Foro Nacional, Reconociendo Diversas Voces Dialogo Social sobre Consulta Previa, Justicia Redistributiva y Acuerdo Final #DiversasVoces En la ciudad de Bogotá los días 7 y 8 de mayo, se llevará a cabo el Foro Nacional Reconociendo Diversas Voces, diálogo social sobre Consulta Previa, Justicia Redistributiva y Acuerdo Final. See more: Foro Nacional: Reconociendo diversas voces