The evolution of the right to free, prior and informed consent in Colombia: A conversation with Lina Marcela Tobón Yagarí and Fernando Herrera

In its latest report, Akubadaura analyzes the historical evolution, legal development, and implementation of the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Colombia (FPIC). In the report, Akubadaura argues that the legal understanding of  FPIC contains deep conflicts between the norms and the legal decisions. For example, the latter does not respect other fundamental […]

The Politics of Free, Prior and Informed Consent: An Interview with Leila Kazemi and Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye

On the occasion of the Release of Akubadaura’s Report on Prior Consent, in collaboration with Columbia University an exercise of knowledge exchange was held. Here is an interview with two of the researchers at the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment. Columbia Law School – The Earth Institute, Columbia University Q: What do you see as […]

Indigenous women

A look at sexual violence against Indigenous women

Akubadaura community of Lawyers presents the Short Documentary: “My body does not lie”, a video that, in 18 minutes, proposes a look at the factors that lead to the configuration of sexual violence against Indigenous women by armed groups and responsibility of the Government when the sex offenders are government officials. Diana Quigua, a researcher […]

Informe sobre violencia sexual contra la mujer indigena

The discussion on sexual violence against indigenous women is expanded

Akubadaura presents The “Report on gender violence against indigenous women, girls and teenagers in Colombia” Indigenous women are one of the population groups most affected by sexual violence, as evidenced when, in mid-2020, the media published two cases of sexual abuse against indigenous girls at the hands of Colombian Army troops, the first occurred to […]